Whiny spam from Lt. Governor Peter Kinder:
Subject: Barack Obama is in Missouri to resurrect his political fortunes. Help us stop him!
From: “Lt. Governor Peter Kinder” <gopfeedback@mogop.org>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 22:44:28 UT
To: MeDear Conservative,
I’m not sure whether I should be more bothered by the obvious bullshit in this email or that it was so obviously incompetently targeted.
Today, President Barack Obama is in Missouri attempting to resurrect his takeover of our health care system, revive his sagging political fortunes, and fill Claire McCaskill and the Democrat Party’s campaign war chests. This is clearly a way to funnel money to Robin Carnahan, who Obama wants in the Senate to rubber stamp his liberal agenda.
Liberal agenda? I Wish! Anywhere else in the world, Obama would be considered a center/right politician.
As president, Obama has a natural soapbox that Republicans simply cannot compete with. But with your help, we will continue taking our case to the people, even as the media attempts to ignore us.
The media is ignoring you? Fox “News”, talk radio, and conservative pundits seem to be giving your case more than enough attention.
That’s why I am personally asking you for an online contribution of $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can afford to the Missouri Republican Party. Every dollar will help us get out our message without depending on the national media.
Without your help, Barack Obama and the Democrats will continue trying to ram government-run health care down the throats of every American—and this time, they might succeed.
Government-run health care? A lie obvious to anyone familiar with the bill. Kinder is counting on people believing the propaganda put out by Fox “News” and the RNC. The real irony is the current healthcare bill is something one would expect from a moderate Republican President. By the way, what’s this obsession conservatives have with things getting shoved down throats?
Obama knows he cannot pass his bill under normal circumstances, so despite the overwhelming opposition from people across the state and around the nation, he now wants to force it through using reconciliation—also called the “nuclear option.” Using this approach to pass such a massive bill is unprecedented in American political history. In 2005, then-Senator Obama said this tactic would lead to “majoritarian absolute power” and was “not what the Founders intended.”
Using this approach to pass such a massive bill is unprecedented in American political history. – Another lie, check out this graph:

But now that he’s president, he doesn’t care about his own past statements or what Americans think.
We will not stand for it—and you shouldn’t either. That’s why your online contribution is so important.
We will use every dollar we raise to elect Republicans at every level of government—Republicans who will continue standing up for Missourians and against the encroachment of big government into the lives of ordinary Americans.
Why should we trust a lying spammer with our money?
Thank you for your steadfast support of conservative principles.
Peter Kinder
Lt. Governor
P.S. We are just 8 months away from an election that will be critical to the future of our nation. Please make an online contribution of $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can afford to the Missouri Republican Party so we can have the resources to compete with Barack Obama’s bully pulpit and spread our conservative message to every corner of our state.
I’m not a big Harry Reid fan, but he makes a good point:
One might conclude that Republicans believe a
majority vote is sufficient to increase the deficit and benefit
the super-rich, but not to reduce the deficit and benefit the
middle class. Alternatively, perhaps Republicans believe a
majority vote is appropriate only when Republicans are in the
majority. Either way, we disagree.
— Senator Harry Reid