Lt. Governor Peter Kinder is a Spammer

More Republican spam…

From: “Lt. Governor Peter Kinder” <>
To: Me
Date:Thu, 23 Apr 2009 20:59:45 UT

Dear Concerned Conservative,

Bzzzt! WRONG!

Last November, Missouri was the only battleground state that voted for the Republican nominee for president. Now, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Jay Nixon are working harder than ever to take control of this state, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goal.

In other words, “Democracy sucks for the losers.”

That’s why I am personally asking you for an online contribution of $35, $50, $100 or $500 to the Missouri Republican Party. Every dollar will help us get out our message without depending on the national media.

Every dollar will help us get out our message without depending on the national media. I guess Kinder doesn’t know about Fox “News”…

In the past week:

  • Joe Biden came to Missouri to defend the Obama Administration’s reckless tax, borrow, and spend policies—and held a high-dollar fundraiser in St. Louis.

Because Dick Cheney never defended the Bush Administration reckless tax, borrow, and spend policies and never attended high-dollar fundraisers.

  • Robin Carnahan was endorsed by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, but she refused to answer a reporter’s questions about her position on the secret ballot in worker elections. She later admitted that she has joined with union bosses in opposition to the secret ballot.
  • Jay Nixon made the ridiculous claim that Republicans want to force low-income children to work in coal mines before they get health insurance.

Kinder doesn’t mention Jay Nixon was being sarcastic when he made that remark. As for ridiculous claims, Republicans are the masters of ridiculous claims.

The evasions and despicable attacks of these Democrats came as tens of thousands of Missourians exercised their First Amendment rights and took to the streets to protest an out-of-control federal government in tea parties across our state.

Tens of thousands? Looked more like hundreds of Missourians…

These rallies should have made it clear to Washington, DC, and Jefferson City that uninhibited government expansion is unacceptable. But we can’t stop now—we must continue to spread the message and hold our elected officials accountable.

These rallies made it clear a bunch of morons who get all their news from right wing radio and Fox “News” are willing to protest against their own interests.

Funny how Kinder suddenly thinks our elected officials must be held accountable…

Without your support, we will be unable to continue the momentum that thousands of conservative activists like you have started.

Make no mistake about it—we face a well-funded, aggressive national and state Democrat Party that is backed by millions of dollars of special interest funding from big labor, trial lawyers and left-wing millionaires in New York and California.

These liberal elites, along with their friends in the media, have already begun characterizing conservative activists as dangerous. Some have even called the tea parties “extremist” and “unhealthy.”

Some have even called the tea parties “extremist” and “unhealthy.” – But most have called the tea parties stupid and lacking a sense of irony.

We will not stand for it—and you shouldn’t either. That’s why your online contribution is so important.

Together, we can defeat this liberal attack and hold the Democrats accountable.

In other words: Only Democrats need to be held accountable. Republicans, on the other hand are free to run up huge deficits, start unnecessary wars, torture, etc.

Thank you in advance for your steadfast support of the Missouri Republican Party.


[Peter Kinder Signature]
Peter Kinder
Lt. Governor

P.S. We have learned that Barack Obama will come to Missouri next week to celebrate his first 100 days in office. To fight his administration’s unprecedented expansion of the federal government, we need your help. Please make an online contribution of $35, $50, $100 or $500 to the Missouri Republican Party, so we can get out our common-sense, conservative message.

Paid for by the Missouri Republican State Committee, 204 East Dunklin, Jefferson City, Missouri, 65101 (573) 636-3146. Richard C. Peerson, Treasurer. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

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