Euro-Millions Lottery Results

Yet another scam gets by the spam filter…

From: “Lottery Inc.” <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 09:16:28 +0200
Subject: Euro-Millions Lottery Results

You are a winner of 1,125.000.00 Euros to claim your winnings contact your winning agent at Zurich Seguros Espana S.A. Contact Agent: Morris Moore / E-Mail:

Winning Claims Requirements:
Winning Number: 21-763-88‏
Reference Number: 471-94-258-09
Your Name:
Your Address:
Phone / Fax:

One would think “Euro-Millions Lottery” would already have the above information. Also, why do they need to know my occupation?

Mode of Payment:
Wire Transfer
Bank Draft / Cheque

Best Regard
EuroMillions lottery! Inc.

And now the same bullshit in German (I’ll leave it to the German speakers to determine if the German is any good).

Sie sind ein Gewinner der 1,125.000.00 Euros zu behaupten, Ihre Gewinne wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Agenten in Zьrich Seguros Espana S.A. Kontakt-Agenten-Namen: Morris Moore / E-Mail:

Gewinnen Forderungen Anforderungen:
Gewinnzahl: 21-763-88‏
Bezugs Nummer: 471-94-258-09
Ihre Namen:
Ihre Adresse:
Telefon / Fax:

Art der Bezahlung:
Draht Uberweisung
Bankuberweisung / Scheck

EuroMillionen Lotterie! Inc.

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