Working for God.

Yet another sad story from the Ivory Coast…

From: <>

Why a Yahoo Japan email address?

Date: Sat, 9 May 2009 19:35:56 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Working for God.

Dearest in Christ,

With due respect and humanity, i wish to contact you under a humanitarian ground.

I am Mrs Monica Williams, was born in Baltimore, Maryland in America. I got married to Mr. Jean Claude Williams, Director J.C Industries Cote d’Ivoire. We were married for 36 years with a female child who is 16 years now. Unfortunately, My husband died in 2006 after a cardiac arteries operation.

Recently, my doctor told me that I have a precised time to live due to my stroke and cancer sickness(cancer of the liver).

For someone claiming to be from the USA, your writing is somewhat odd…

Before my husband died, there is this sum of Five Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($5.500.000) which he deposited with a Private Finance Company here In Ivory Coast. Presently, this money is still in the custody of the Security Company.

I want a God fearing one who will use this fund according to the desire of my late husband, that is for the sound upbringing of our only daughter in a Godly way. I am still in the hospital while my daughter is in the Refugee camp. Please my dear, your urgent feedback will be needed to save the life of my only child because of the ongoing political war here in our country.

I am not afraid of death since i believe in ressurection and hope inheriting the kingdom of God. I will like you to always remember me in your daily prayers since my cancer surgery comes up soon.

I am not afraid of death since i believe in ressurection and hope inheriting the kingdom of God. I guessing you’re more likely to find yourself in Hell.

Looking forward to read from you soon.
God bless you,
Mrs Monica Williams.

At least his email appears to actually originate in Côte d’Ivoire…

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