A sad story from Côte d’Ivoire

And yet another scam gets by the spam filter…

From: <micheal_traore007@centrum.cz>

A .cz email address and this email was sent from a computer in the Czech Republic…

Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 15:29:01 +0200
Subject: Hi, Good Morning,

Hi, Good Morning,

Um, good morning?

I know this revealation will keep you wondering why should i trust you with this information i am about to reveal to you or if what i am saying is the truth especially with the level of scam mail going around all over the internet, please i need you to trust and believe in me if you can. please i need you to make out time to read this mail attentively to be able to understand what i am about to tell you.

This ought to be good.

I am Micheal as you rightly know i am 22 years of age the only child of my parents, Mr Gorge Traore and Mrs Marry Traore, My parents were Natives of Ivory Coast before they migrated to the United States when i was just 4 year old. We lived at No 215 West Wieuca Road Northeast Atlanta, Georgia USA and i attended the famous Frederick Douglass High School northwest Atlanta, Georgia USA, but when my mother fell sick and died June 2001, My father became weak every now and then he will fall sick, i believe it was the shock of my mum’s sudden death that deteriorated his health. He got retired from his office, Fidelity National Insurance Company at No 200 Galleria Parkway Southeast Atlanta GA 30339 USA October 2004, from there we move to New York City because of my dad medication.

I appears you managed to avoid English classes at Frederick Douglass High School.

Then December 2005 my father called me and told that he doesn’t want to die in a foreign land. That he has made enough money, that he felt the best thing for him to do now is for us to relocate back to his home country of Cote d’Ivoire so that he can set up his own Insurance company and give job opportunities to his people and he also told me that he want me to learn about his people and their culture. On the 14 of December 2005 we returned back to Cote d’Ivoire.

Then after some time my dad started to look for properties to buy to use for an office, In several occasions i went out with him to inspect some properties. But unfortunately On the 22nd of February 2006 My father collaps and later died. Why am I tell you a total stranger you may ask!!! The reason i am telling you and revealing to you my family’s secret is because my late dad’s burial is over and my uncle is searching every where looking for my the bank documents that my dad used in depositing all his money when his sickness became serious.

But he doesn’t know that i have hide the documents in a safe place outside the house where he can not find it based on my late dad advice on his sick bed before his death. This secret has been in my mind for close to a year now and i don’t even know who to tell because i need someone to help me received this money in a foreign account to enable me leave here peacefully. This is the reason i make contact with you to help me received the money. That mean you will provide an account where the money will be transfer into then i will take the next available flight to join you once you confirm to me that you have received the money in your account. I have thought about it and i came to the conclusion that, this is the only way i can get the money transfer out of here without my uncle knowing about it.

If you have the fear of God and believe that you can help me please respond to this mail and include with it your telephone number to enable me give you a call them we can talk.

If you have the fear of God, you might rethink trying to scam people.

I want you to know that I pass many people and many profile before I came in contact with your contact info and when I do, my spirit, my soul, my heart and the spirit of God dwelling inside of me asked me to confide and trust you for this project. If you are a believer of God you will know that He work in a miraclulous way that still remain misery to man.

Yet, you never mention me by name in this email…

Please get back to me ASAP.

God bless you,

And God damn you, Michael.

See also:

3 thoughts on “A sad story from Côte d’Ivoire”

  1. Today I got spammed by an email claiming to be from a 17 year old girl from Ghana, now living in this country. Since she game an address where she lived, I got curious and checked it out. Googlemaps.com seemed to recognize it as a real address, though it looked more like a commercial area than residential. Next, I did a search of the address, and it gave me this web site where I saw an excerpt of a nearly identical email, only with different names and other specifics, though with the same steet address. It’s the one from Michael who lived at 215 West Wieuca Road in Northeast Atlanta. Only this time it was Carol Mbakwe and she is from Ghana rather than the Ivory Coast. I’m amused that the spammers would use virtually the same appeal but change the specifics. I wonder why.

  2. FROM: daniel_ntiwa01@yahoo.com

    Hi, Good Morning.

    I know this revelation will keep you wondering why should I trust you with this information’s I am about to reveal to you or if what I am saying is the truth, please I need you to trust and believe me if you can. I need you to make out time to read this mail attentively to be able to understand the reason I am sending you this mail.

    I am Daniel, 20 years of age, the only child of my parents, Mr and Mrs Smith W. Ntiwa, My parents were Natives of Ivory Coast before they migrated to the United States when I was just 4 year old. We lived at No 215 West Wieuca Road Northeast Atlanta, Georgia USA and I attended the famous Frederick Douglass High School northwest Atlanta, Georgia USA, but when my mother fell sick and died June 2001, My father became weak every now and then he will fall sick, I believe it was the shock of my mum’s sudden death that deteriorated his health.. He got retired from his office, Fidelity National Insurance Company at No 200 Galleria Parkway Southeast Atlanta GA 30339 USA October 2004, from there we moved to New York City because of my dad medication.

    Then December 2005 my father called me and told that he doesn’t want to die in a foreign land. That he has made enough money, that he felt the best thing for him to do now is for us to relocate back to his home country of Cote d’Ivoire so that he can set up his own Insurance company and give job opportunities to his people and he also told me that he want me to learn about his people and their culture. On the 14 of December 2005 we returned back to Cote d’Ivoire.

    Then after some time my dad started to look for properties to buy to use for an office, in several occasions I went out with him to inspect some properties. But unfortunately on the 22nd of February 2006 my father collapsed and later died.

    Why am I telling you all this a total stranger you may ask!!! The reason I am telling you and revealing to you my family’s secret is because my late dad’s burial is over and my uncle is searching every where looking for my bank documents that my father used in depositing all his money in the bank when his sickness became serious..

    But he doesn’t know that I have hide the documents in a safe place outside the house where he can not find them based on my late father’s advice on his sick bed before his death. This secret has been in my mind for close to a year now and I don’t even know who to tell because I need someone to help me receive this money in a foreign account to enable me leave here peacefully. This is the reason I make contact with you to help me received the money. That mean you will provide an account where the money will be transfer into then I will take the next available flight to join you once you confirm to me that you have received the money in your account.. I have thought about it and I came to the conclusion that, this is the only way I can get the money transfer out of here without my uncle knowing about it.

    If you have the fear of God and believe that you can help me please respond to this mail and include with it your telephone number to enable me give you a call please.

    God bless you as I look forward in meeting you soon!!!

    From, Daniel Smith Ntiwa.

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