2 thoughts on “Leonard Nimoy 1931-2015”

    1. No one else could possibly have played Spock like Nimoy did. It was a truly iconic role. But sadly this had a downside for his career because he found himself typecast as Spock. I recently watched an episode of Columbo, made mid 1970’s I think, where Spock, er I mean Nimoy, played the part of a murdering heart surgeon. It was hard not to visualise Nimoy simply as Spock dressed up as a doctor.

      A few years later in the 1980’s, ATV’s satirical caricature puppet show Spitting Image did a skit of Nimoy, complete with twitching pointy ears, trying to become a Shakespearian actor. The script ran: “To be or not to be. That is illogical Captain.

      Still, if there is an afterlife, then may he live long and prosper.

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