Is There Anyone Stupid Enough to Believe That This Cable Has Anti-Virus Protection?

“100% Mylar” double shield 1.3c grade cable with anti-virus protection to reduce virus noises and to obtain perfect image transmission
anti-virus protection – How can a cable have anti-virus protection?
@ Jac:-
And guess who’s flogging them?
Granted, our Mikey isn’t claiming virus protection yet. But he does say this:
“The Morrow Audio HDMI cables are tripple (sic) shielded, insuring (sic) an excellent audio and video signal transfer. We use the same technology in the HDMI1 as found in our famous audio cables.”
I.e. Mike Morrow’s 1-metre HDMI cable for a walloping $139 delivers better video and sound than a standard HDMI lead purchased from your local hardware store, for just a few quid. OK, I accept, it’s pretty much the same old misspelt, ungrammatical and unsubstantiated bollocks as he spouts for all his other cables. However, I have a feeling that as a connoisseur of absolute and utter bollocks, particularly where cables are concerned, you may be more amused by another fabulous product from Morrow-Morrow-Land:-
You’re probably thinking it’s a mains lead, right? You know, a short length of flexible power cable with a three-pin US power plug on one end, and an IEC socket on the other? But no, you would be so-o-o-o wrong, as good ol’ Mikey is quick to point out: “The MAP4 Grand Reference is an all out assult (sic) of our latest technology, It provides for the discriminating audiophile, the greatest amount of realism and presence from his music. Silent background, detail and ease are the words that describe the MAP4 Grand Reference.”
Now, I know what you’re thinking. There are much more accurate words to describe the MAP4 Grand Reference, but you are too polite to use such words in public. But Mike assures us that it’s worth every cent of the $799.00 he’s asking because, and I quote, it will: “…also allow amazing detail retrieval when used with the most delicate turntable or CD player.”
I wonder how long it will be before Morrow and his ilk will try to persuade
suckers with more money than sensediscriminating audiophiles that for even more realism and presence, they need to replace their entire house-wiring, distribution board and circuit breakers too? Perhaps even the entire National Grid?