
As some of you know, in addition to this web log, I also maintain the Drum and Bugle Corps (which has been around in one form or another since 1995!) and the Maritime Simulation News web pages.

Last year, I was using a majorly hacked up version of Blosxom to manage the content of these web sites (after a brief flirtation with PHP-Nuke). After getting farked* late last year, I converted my main web log to MovableType. Later, I converted Maritime Simulation News to WordPress (largely because WordPress is released under the GPL). Now I’m also using WordPress for my Drum and Bugle Corps page.

For now, my main web log will continue to run MovableType, though I’ll likely convert it to WordPress in the future. MovableType is fine software, but it’s not truly free (as in beer and speech).

* The problem was my hacked up version of Blosxom was dynamically rendering my pages. This was fine for normal traffic, but during the farking, I was getting 10,000-20,000 hits per day! — putting a heavy load on the web server’s CPU. I switched to MovableType because it creates static pages (yes, I know Blosxom can create static pages, by my hack was based on an earlier version of Blosxom).

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