Some results from the Large Hadron Collider…
CMS observes a potentially new and interesting effect
The CMS Collaboration at CERN released today a paper entitled “Observation of Long-Range Near-Side Angular Correlations in Proton-Proton Collisions” that details signs of a new phenomenon in proton interactions.
A study of “high multiplicity” collisions, where a hundred or more charged particles are produced, has revealed indications that some particles are somehow “correlated” – associated together when they were created at the point of collision.
It was considered natural to search for these correlations in the highest multiplicity proton-proton collisions at LHC as the particle densities begin to approach those in high-energy collisions of nuclei such as copper, where similar effects have already been seen…
Read the full CMS statement: English
Figure 2: The variation of R with Δη and Δφ, for proton-proton collisions in CMS. Left: for minimum bias collisions; Right: for collisions that produced at least 110 charged particles.
Check out the full paper: PDF