Own a Piece of History…

… or a rotting hulk.

SS Admiral Worlds largest Inland Entertainment Vessel

The SS Admiral was originally built in 1907 as a RR Ferry across the Mississippi. The the 1930’s it was lengthened 70 ft. and converted into, at that time the only air conditioned excursion boat in existence. In recent years, it has been a permanently moored entertainment venue on the St. Louis, MO. River Front. The diesel engines and drive were removed approx. 20 years ago. The Hull is approx. 365 ft. long and the Beam in the center section is approx. 95 ft. wide. The water draft is 5.5 ft. and the air draft is approx. 70ft. This is a huge boat! The Hull includes all the “shops” and maintenance supplies and items, including 2 Cummins Powered stand by generators, Pumps, Hoses, Shackles, Cables, and office for the Maintenance Crew. The A Deck includes 4 – 18,000 winches to secure the Vessel, The Garment Shop, including the uniforms of the Staff, Cafe’s, and equipment, as well as Business Office from the former operator. The B Deck includes the Grand Ball Room, enclosed observation decks on each end, Commercial Business Center and offices, along with 4 – 23 person Dover 4 level elevators. The Ball Room also includes special effect lights, and 3 huge Chrystal Chandeliers. From the C Deck you can view the activities on the center section of B Deck as well as provides more rooms for entertainment. The D Deck is the Dining area Front and Back, with many windows and a panoramic view. The Center of the D Deck includes an huge kitchen with large walk in coolers, stoves, prep tables, sinks, warmers, etc. On the Bow End are hugh Steam Tables capable of serving large gatherings. The E Deck is acessable by stairs to the outside observation and Pent House area. More information can be found at auction-associates.net. with pictures of the above

This vessel is floating on the Mississippi River at St. Louis. For long term use, on water, will require a new skin on the Hull. Most everything on the boat is mechanically sound. Some restrictions for use apply.

One can find the damnedest things on eBay…

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