It’s filled with blasphemy!
Humorless man explains that rock music, even Christian rock, is full of witchcraft
Jesus thinks you're a jerk
It’s filled with blasphemy!
Humorless man explains that rock music, even Christian rock, is full of witchcraft
Crikey, you do have some rather peculiar people on your side of the pond, don’t you!
Did that guy really say: “Why don’t they have songs about eating your brussel sprouts”?
Mind you, Christian rock bands can be a bit grim. Or worse, nauseatingly happy-clappy. You know, the sort of people that make one wish one were back in ancient Rome and could throw the irritating buggers to the lions. Consequently there are plenty of non-Christians that also consider Christian rock to be the work of Satan! lol
It’s because the music starts on the back beat.