Terror! Terror! Terror!

(via Eschaton)

Credibility of JFK terror case questioned

When U.S. Attorney Roslynn Mauskopf described the alleged terror plot to blow up Kennedy Airport as “one of the most chilling plots imaginable,” which might have caused “unthinkable” devastation, one law enforcement official said he cringed.

The plot, he knew, was never operational. The public had never been at risk. And the notion of blowing up the airport, let alone the borough of Queens, by exploding a fuel tank was in all likelihood a technical impossibility.

And now, with a portrait emerging of alleged mastermind Russell Defreitas as hapless and episodically homeless, and of co-conspirator Abdel Nur as a drug addict, Mauskopf’s initial characterizations seem more questionable — some go so far as to say hyped.

One thought on “Terror! Terror! Terror!”

  1. The sheer sketchyness of the people they arrest for terrorism these days is one of the more interesting parts of reading these stories- like, the Miami group took the cake, what with the “Islamic terrorists who have a star of david on their uniforms- and yes, they want to have uniforms…”

    On one level, it’s annoying the way they hype this shit, but i suppose the fact that we’re out there, “infiltrating” groups of delusional near-homeless crackheads means that we can sleep a little safer.

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