New Rule: When you marry Charlie Sheen, don’t be surprised when he turns out to be Charlie Sheen! We are talking about a guy who paid hookers by check. Marrying Charlie Sheen and getting mad he’s a freak, is like electing two shills from the oil industry and getting mad when the price of gas goes up.
— Bill Maher
I am waiting for the May 5th transcript of Real Time to get put up…loads of postable GEMs in that one! It was a Howler from start to finish!
I have to agree with Maher’s first sentence. The clown marries ultra-hot Bond girl Denise Richards, then decides to look at more porn? For many guys, Richards *is* the porn (or close enough to it). One can only imagine the taunts the two kids will go through as they grow up. “Your mom’s hot, but your dad’s a porn addict.”
(And, yeah, I realize that Sheen’s problems extend past the pornography.)