Conservative Blogger Lexicon

(via Eschaton)

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rac·ism n.

Disagreeing with or disliking Michelle Malkin

sex·ism n.
Disagreeing with or disliking Michelle Malkin

ho·mo·pho·bi·a n.
1. Making fun of Jeff Gannon

2. Making fun of The Claremont Institute’s John Hindraker’s gay-porny nom de keyboard
3. Disagreeing with Andrew Sullivan when Andrew Sullivan is agreeing with Bush

an·ti-Sem·i·tism n.
1. Disagreeing with Dick Cheney.
2. Believing that there is a such thing as a neoconservative.

3. Being a Democrat.

the troops in the field n. My belief that I am much more intelligent and credible than available evidence would suggest: your criticism of my ever-shifting, impossible-to-pin-down rationale for invading Iraq is undermining the troops in the field.

The Left n.

1. You.
2. Jane Fonda and Noam Chomsky.
3. Everybody less conservative than me and all Democrats except Zell Miller.
4. Everybody less conservative than me and all Democrats except Zell Miller and present company.
5. Nobody, really.
6. Everybody I hate.
7. A quantum superposition of the above definitions.

ter·ror·ists n.

1. Those that engage in acts or an act of terrorism.
2. The Left

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