(via Eschaton)
And while reasonable people can disagree about how to fix it, anyone who doesn’t accept that basic premise – along with the fact that every other comparable country does it better and much much cheaper – can fuck right the fuck off.
Segmentation Fault
(via Eschaton)
And while reasonable people can disagree about how to fix it, anyone who doesn’t accept that basic premise – along with the fact that every other comparable country does it better and much much cheaper – can fuck right the fuck off.
Just your regular reminder that we basically spend what other countries with some form of universal free at point of service system spend in *public money* already and then we spend that again in *private money* and still no one can manage to explain when and why and who I need to call and which magic words to say in order to be sure that the office thinks a test will be covered by insurance but haha they don’t even know then either.
— The Greatest Health Care System In The World