2 thoughts on “Roger Ailes is a Big Fat Idiot”

  1. Roger wouldn’t remember me today if he saw me, but i’ll always remember him. I volunteered on Pres George HW Bush’s 88 run. I was often around Roger, not working directly but closeby and I guess, enough for him to notice me. I’ll never forget on a trip in Maine, I was working advance and I met Roger, we spoke briefly and I got the feeling that he knew I wasn’t as wealthy or educated as the others. I also know he knew my heart was completely with Bush during this primary season (and always) I was one of the workers that didn’t have a trust fund, so times for me weren’t easy financially. I remember working a 12 hour day preparing for a debate, all the other workers went out to eat, and I just went back to my room because I was embarrassed I didn’t have $ to spend dining and was to proud to have someone pay my way. Bottom line, I went back to my room tto find this huge fruit and cheese basket, juices, snacks, etc. The hotel refused to tell me how it got there or who paid for it, but Roger was absolutely the only person who could have done it-most likely via his aides. Hate him if you want, say what you want, but they don’t make ’em like anymore.

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