One Sentence Summary

Here’s a one sentence summary of how Fox “News” viewers see the world (via TBogg):

Barack Obama used a space laser to blow up the Texas fertilizer plant in an effort to suck the air out of the news that the gun control bill failed to pass which was specifically scheduled for a vote to draw attention away from the news about the ricin letters that Obama sent to himself to distract people so that they wouldn’t look too closely at his false flag operation in Boston where he personally set off the bombs from the Oval Office thereby enabling his TSA shock troops to confiscate all the guns (his back-up plan in case the gun bill didn’t pass) scheduled right before the food riots begin because he is also killing off all the bees (using the same drone technology that he used to kill Andrew Breitbart) in order to make the populace weak and compliant thus forestalling the race riots in the FEMA camps – which are currently being built in Cuba with he help of Jay-Z – because of what Michelle Obama said on on the Whitey tape which was supposed to have been destroyed in Benghazi, but wasn’t, which is why Hillary Clinton had to resign…. all of which was all foretold in an episode of The Family Guy viewed in Bill Ayers living room in 1995 even though The Family Guy wasn’t on yet

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