Spam from the McCain Campaign

The McCain campaign thinks sending spam is a good idea…

From: “Rick Davis, McCain Campaign Manager” <>
To: <ME>
Subject: Did you watch Saturday’s forum with Rick Warren?

Why would I waste my time watching a snake oil salesman?

Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 18:47:26 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Supporter,

Supporter? WTF makes you think I’m a supporter?

The reviews are in from Saturday’s Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency, moderated by Pastor Rick Warren. The critics agree – John McCain’s straight talk emerged as the big winner of the night.

The critics agree – which critics? Keep in mind, the mainstream media will consider any appearance where John McCain doesn’t crap himself (metaphorically or literally) a success.

After watching both candidates answer the same set of questions, it’s become clear why Senator Barack Obama has run away from debating John McCain and refused joint town hall meetings. Senator Obama dodged answering the toughest questions. But John McCain gave straight and direct answers to Rick Warren and the entire audience about issues like national security, personal faith and values, education, taxes, energy, and the Supreme Court.

Oddly enough, it was Obama who faced a potentially hostile audience at Warren’s civil forum. McCain, the so called maverick, pretty much told the audience what they wanted to hear. And how about that cone of silence?

The bottom line is that John McCain will put our country before his own self interest. He has done so his entire life. And that is why it is so important we do everything we can right now to elect John McCain as the next President of the United States.

The bottom line is that John McCain will put our country before his own self interest. – He will? Would he, for example, give up one of his nine houses for his country? Would he give up traveling by private jet?

Will you join our campaign today by following this link to make an immediate contribution before our fundraising deadline on August 31st? Your financial support is needed now more than ever.

If McCain needs money, maybe he should dip into his wife’s fortune…

I won’t mince words. Senator Obama has a financial edge over our campaign right now. He raised $51 million in July alone. And Sunday, he raised $7.8 million from Nancy Pelosi and her friends in San Francisco. This is money he will use to spread misinformation and distortions of John McCain’s record.

Senator Obama has a financial edge over our campaign right now — Rick, it’s called the free market, being a good Republican you should be familiar with how it works.

he raised $7.8 million from Nancy Pelosi and her friends in San Francisco — Rick, are you saying San Franciscans aren’t real Americans and should not have a say in who the next President should be?

This is money he will use to spread misinformation and distortions of John McCain’s record — <sarcasm>And your campaign will not distort Obama’s record or resort to negative campaigning.</sarcasm>

We must raise money today to fight back against these distortions. We must have the financial ability to spread the messages and ideas John McCain shared at the Saddleback forum. Will you help elect John McCain as our next president by making an immediate donation of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or $2,300? As always, your support is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I have a policy of never doing business with spammers.

Rick Davis
Campaign Manager

We must raise money today to fight back against these distortions. We must have the financial ability to spread the messages and ideas John McCain shared at the Saddleback forum. Will you help elect John McCain as our next president by making an immediate donation of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or $2,300? As always, your support is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Please do your part to elect John McCain by making a donation right away – before our August 31st deadline. Thank you.

Paid for by John McCain 2008

Apparently, McCain is so desperate for money, he’s resorting to using spam to raise money.

Original Message

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