Blessed are…

(via email)

by the Christian Coalition
Roberta Combs, President
  • Blessed are the rich, for the fruits of their non-labor shall trickle down to the poor.

  • Blessed are the unforgiving, for they shall never let innocence get in the way of punishment.

  • Blessed are the censors, for by deciding what we can see and read, they shall protect our ignorance.

  • Blessed are the faiths from Israel, for the rest aren’t really worth considering, especially the folks who worship cows or that fat guy.

  • Blessed are the itemizers, for when they give, they also receive.

  • Blessed are the legal lotteries, for the winnings from the low-income players make up for the tax cuts to the rich.

  • Blessed are the redundant, who spend millions passing laws against things already illegal.

  • Blessed are the preachers of proper political persuasion, for they include the Book of Roberta in their sermons.

  • Blessed are those of weak faith, who need the government to reinforce their faith with graven images on walls of secular power.

  • Blessed are the Luddites, for they know a tool of Satan when they see it.

  • Blessed are the unborn, for they are life while the mother is not.

  • Blessed are the fathers, for they own the wombs of their daughters, and sometimes prove it.

  • Blessed are the doctrinarians, who understand that the Constitution of the United States can be Satan’s work.

  • Blessed are the really strict doctrinarians, for fascism is the only way to salvation.

  • Blessed are the exception-makers, for they believe that laws of the land should not apply to everybody

  • Blessed are the bigots, who measure by their own insecurities and intolerances the rights of other citizens.

  • Blessed are the ignorance advocates, for they see education as the path to liberalism and Satanism.

  • Blessed are the sexually insecure, for without laws and public scorn, they might choose to be homosexual.

  • Blessed are the idolaters, for they know that the burning bush probably garbled God’s message.

The Book of Roberta | media girl

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