
Stolen from Dave Barry in Cyberspace:

:)		Happy person
:(		Sad person
:-)		Happy person with a nose
:-(		Sad person with a nose
:--(		Person who is sad because he or she has a large nose
:-D		Person laughing
:-D*		Person laughing so hard that he or she does not notice
		that a 5-legged spider is hanging from his or her lip
:-|		Person unsure of which long-distance company to choose
>8-O-(&)	Person just realizing that he or she has a tapeworm
;-)		Person winking
.-)		Person who can still smile despite losing an eyeball
:-OWW		Person vomiting a series of Slim Jims
:-Q		Person who just had cybersex and is now enjoying a
		postcoital cybercigarette
>:-Q -...	Person who was enjoying a postcoital cigarette until he
		suddenly noticed, to his alarm, that there is some kind of
		discharge dribbling from his cybermember
:-{ 8		Person who is unhappy with the results of her
		breast-enlargement surgery
:V:-|		Person who cannot figure out why nobody wants to talk to
		him or her, little suspecting that there is an alligator on his or
		her head
~oE]:-|		Fisherperson heading for market with a basket on his or
		her head containing a three-legged octopus that is giving off
		smell rays.
>:-[ -{9        Person who is none too pleased to be giving birth
                to a squirrel

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