(from the food on a stick dept.)
Jon Stewart has mentioned this product on The Daily Show…

I can imagine the brainstorming session that came up with this idea:
“Let’s see, people like sausage and chocolate chip pancakes… I got it! Let’s combine them and put the result on a stick.”
Imagine the possibilities, there’s a bunch of other food combinations that could be put on a stick.
That’s almost as bad as: That’s just wrong…
Barf! (And I’m NOT going to let my kids see that one! Hehehehehehe!)
That’s the first thing I think of when eating breakfast sausage, ” This sausage would be SO much better with chocolate chips!” I can’t imagine how horrid this is.
I think this might be a big hit after they legalize marijuana, because I don’t think anyone but wake-and-bake Stoners would eat this. I think I threw up in my mouth a little.
yep! someone must have been stoned thinking of this crap. i give my grand kids hot soup for breakfast which is healthy and warm on a cold day.