- Summary of 2004
- New Year, New Title (sort of)
- Being Indian is...
- Caroline Alexander
- The Greatest High Note Trumpet Player in the World
- 867-5309
- Maybe there's hope for humanity after all...
- Bill Gates Crashes at CES
- Dr. Evil strikes
- Geek break-up lines
- slash_journal Version 0.2 has been Released
- slash_amigos Version 0.1 has been Released
- G4 drops TechTV Name
- Revenge of the Sith
- Fascinating
- 91%
- Darth Tater
- Inaugural Schedule
- Uh Oh
- Religious Right Attacks SpongeBob SquarePants
- SpongeDob
- Titan vs. Low Earth Orbit
- Galadriel Barbie and Legolas Ken
- Banging can be fun
- LEGO Coolness
- Which Historical Lunatic am I?
- Two Free Computer Algebra Systems
- Which happy bunny am I?
- Matrix Template Library
- Rachael Ray Sex Video
- Rev. Michael E. Schmidt
- KLatin and Kiten
- An Interview Question
- Nothing like a good football analogy
- There's something fundamentally wrong with the universe...
- Untested Defense Meets Non-Existent Threat
- Morons
- Converting ISO-8859-1 data to UTF-8 (and back again)
- The Real Bush Agenda
- Philosophy
- rel="nofollow"
- Where I've been
- Notice anything different?
- Holy Crap!
- Lucas calls new 'Star Wars' a Titanic tearjerker
- The TRUE ending to "The Empire Strikes Back"
- Weekly Piracy Report
- Living Will
- Here's someone who has it coming...
- Doctor Blue Box
- Out of Respect
- Water on Mars
- Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time
- Yet Another Guestbook Version 2.1
- How did I miss this one?
- Another Living Will
- It was too good to last
- My Linguistic Profile
- Yet Another Reason to Dislike Santorum
- How did I end up in Saint Louis?
- Virtual drums
- Excuse me while I puke
- Locomotive Operator Manuals
- Nuclear Weapon Effects Calculator
- Deep Throat
- You know you're a Republican when...
- Bah dum ching!
- Retrocomputing: Algol 60
- You have to admire German efficiency
- Theological Worldview
- Blecch!
- Dr. Evil strikes again
- Martian Sunset
- Retrocomputing: Slide Rules
- Déjà Vu
- Elizabeth Becka on "Gulf Coast Live!"
- 10 years on the web
- Bill Gates warns against reliance on outsourcing
- War on Christianity
- Peking Homunculus
- Clonus: The Island Horror
- A really geeky joke
- Harry Turtledove
- Money-Saving Locales
- James Joyce
- Saint Louis
- Gosh!
- Understanding is a three edged sword
- Hot!
- "Clonus" Director May Seek Injunction
- The Space Shuttle doesn't Work
- Trace Evidence
- Beatle Bob Sit Down!
- Professor Severus Snape
- There will be no reason to listen to KMOX
- That was quick
- This one has been around for a long time
- More Idiocy from Rush Limbaugh
- "Clonus" Producers File Suit
- 2005 DCI World Championships - Foxboro, MA
- Yet Another Light Bulb Joke
- God is a waffler
- Pleistocene Park
- Conservative Blogger Lexicon
- At Least I'm not Milton...
- Radical cleric Pat Robertson issuse a fatwa against Hugo Chavez
- You don't have to teach both sides of a debate, if one side is a load of crap
- Five reasons NOT to use Linux
- Chicago Hot Dogs
- 2005 DCA World Championships - Scranton, PA
- How many members of the Bush administration does it take to change a light bulb?
- Major Disasters of Bush Administration
- Simple Solutions to Common Household Problems
- Old Files
- Take a hint
- Nerd Test
- Intelligent Design
- Google's Blog Search is online
- A sad but true story
- Groan!
- Foggy
- C++ Functions to Evaluate Legendre Polynomials
- Friday Wookie Blogging
- Friday Giant Squid Blogging
- Oh No! I ate something featured in "Steve, Don't Eat It!"
- Scriptural Biology Lab
- We get letters...
- Not the Pie Machine!
- Standard Disclaimer
- It's not truly a landmark until Zippy visits it...
- They'll want a real system and will end up doing VMS when they get to be serious about programming
- Blog Post #407
- Matt watches Kent Hovind's "Blue Series" so you don't have to
- But I can explain everything...
- Say it ain't so, Joe
- Trolls / Spammers / Kooks / Clueless People
- Quinoa with Autumn Vegetables
- Abstract - Hydrodynamic interactions and diffusion of bovine serum albumin
- Damn! That's slick
- Friday Evil Penguin Blogging
- Oh Well
- Last 30 Quotes of the Day
- I may already be a winner!
- Cyberculture Floozie
- My hovercraft is full of eels
- Republican Medicine
- Here's something you might want to try
- We're number 1!
- Sometimes the system works
- The Ultimate _Star Trek_ Collection
- Radical Cleric Pat Robertson Says Town Rejects God
- Bill O'Reilly approves of terrorism
- Elvish
- Is this some sort of mob shake down?
- Semi-Naked Sushi Lady
- He's making a list...
- Haymaker
- Decaffeinated Coffee Will Kill You
- Add this site's quote of the day to your page with Javascript
- Wie Zuefabushi
- Greatest?
- I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered
- Which Twentieth Century Pope am I
- A man was playing golf one day...
- Rachael Ray Drinking Game
- Graphical User Interface Galleries
- Fundamentalist Idiocy
- A really goofy Firefox extension
- The 98th Most Unexpected TV Moment
- The 76th Most Unexpected TV Moment
- The 28th Most Unexpected TV Moment
- The 22nd Most Unexpected TV Moment
- Cabernet Sauvignon
- The Most Unexpected TV Moment
- Pardon our dust...
- The Top 10 Reasons to Work in IT
- Newtonian Observations
- Year in Review Quiz
- 2005: Yet Another Year in Review
Well…someone has been BIZEE this past year. Kinda like finding that breadcrumb trail back *home* eh? Or visiting old friends in your old hometown – everything looks familiar but sorta different.
But I don’t know that I could do that easily, since between the three of us DBVer’s we’re over 5000 posts for the year – and on everything under the Sun, Moon and Stars to boot.
But I like to read other people’s lists.