The saddest day of the year

The saddest day of the year:

YOU’VE already failed to keep your New Year’s resolutions, you’re completely skint and pay day seems so far away you’re contemplating the prospect of beans on toast every day for the next fortnight. It’s dark when you go to work and dark when you get home, the weather is cold or wet. Invariably both. On top of all that, you’re still in debt, the credit crunch means the boss has imposed a pay freeze and your job is on the line, there’s nothing decent on TV, the road tax is due, the washing machine’s just broken down and there are rumours Eddie Murphy will be appearing in the next Batman film. In other words, there’s nothing to look forward to.

That is precisely why some psychologists reckon Monday January 19 – or ‘Blue Monday’ – will be the saddest day of the year. The date was calculated as being a Monday because everyone tends to hate the start of the week and by mid-January the extravagances of Christmas and lack of pay are seriously taking their toll.

Three years ago, ‘Blue Monday’, just happen to fall on my birthday

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