I want a Diesel Hybrid Golf

It’s a Safe Bet VW Will Build the Golf Diesel Hybrid. But We May Not Get It

Volkswagen will almost certainly produce the Golf TDI Hybrid it brought to the Geneva Motor Show. It will probably cost about as much as a Toyota Prius. But the odds are only 50-50 it’ll come to America.

Dammit! If VW produces the Golf TDI Hybrid, I sure hope it will be available in The U.S.A. It looks like a potential replacement for my Prius. Then again, by the time I’ll start looking for a new car, there may be something better than hybrid technology to check out.

4 thoughts on “I want a Diesel Hybrid Golf”

  1. Don’t worry, it WILL come to the US. First. I just come from the Geneva Motor Show and I saw this vehicle. I asked them about the availability and they told me it’s planned for 1011 (!) on the US market, and afterwards for the European market…


  2. Друзья , посоветуйте , кто знает или сталкивался.

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    три раза.

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