Category: Weirdness
Robert Anton Wilson has a Blog
(via email)
Check out Robert Anton Wilson’s blog: RAW Data
Worth noting because I enjoyed The Illuminatus! Trilogy

Surf Cleveland
(via Yes, You Can Surf in Cleveland, Before the Brown Water Freezes (soul stealing registration may be required) They surf in Cleveland because they must. They surf with two-inch icicles clinging to their wet suits, through stinging hail and overpowering wind. They work nights to spend their winter days scouting surf. They are watermen … Continue reading “Surf Cleveland”
Mmmm, Mail Order Empty Escargot Shells
Non-Newtonian Fluid Fun
(via Memoirs of a Skepchick)
You’ve probably seen demonstrations of the non-Newtonian fluid properties of cornstarch and water. Check out the video of these guys — they actually filled a pool with the stuff:
(more…)Mmmm, Mail Order Elk Carcass
I guess I should change my plans for lunch
Disturbing Imagery: Bubble Cum
Turkish Star Trek
Christian Pirate Rap
(from the wrong on so many levels dept.)
We have all these in one video:
- Doughy white guys laboring under the delusion that they are hip
- A creepy ventriloquist dummy
- Cheap Muppet knockoffs
- Total cluelessness about piracy
I not sure who should be more offended: rappers, pirates or Christians.