(from the I doubt you’ll see this at McDonald’s anytime soon dept.) Next time you have french fries, try putting some balsamic vinegar (or perhaps a balsamic vinaigrette) on them. You’ll be glad you did.
Category: Food
Quinoa with Autumn Vegetables
(from the WTF is quinoa? dept.) Stolen from Tina’s Shark Tank: 1 Cup Quinoa 2 Cups apple cider assortment of sliced/diced/chiffonaded fall vegetables of your choice (I used sweet potatoes, parsnips, and Chinese cabbage), 1-2 cups, according to your personal taste Cinnamon Nutmeg black pepper sea salt In a skillet, brown the vegetables in canola … Continue reading “Quinoa with Autumn Vegetables”
Oh No! I ate something featured in “Steve, Don’t Eat It!”
(from the too much soju will make you do strange things dept.) (via Dark Bilious Vapors) Steve, Don’t Eat It! – Silkworm Pupas: “High Protein – Great side dish when drinking alcohol.” I imagine this came from the silkworm marketing team when faced with the nagging question “Who the fuck’s gonna eat this?!” The answer: … Continue reading “Oh No! I ate something featured in “Steve, Don’t Eat It!””
Chicago Hot Dogs
(via Dark Bilious Vapors) NOMINATED AS ONE OF CHICAGO’S WONDERS: Chicago Hot Dogs : Not much in this world is perfect. The Chicago Hot Dog is perfect. Boiled or steamed, not grilled, it lies regally in a lightly steamed poppy-seed bun and is anointed with: Diced onion Tomato wedges Pickle relish the color of Kryptonite … Continue reading “Chicago Hot Dogs”
(from the yet another reason to stay out of prison dept.) (via Dark Bilious Vapors) Steve makes prison wine. While you’re at it, check out the rest of the hilarious Steve, Don’t Eat It! series.
Rachael Ray Sex Video
Check out: Rachael Ray Drinking Game Let’s see just how popular a certain somewhat annoying Food Network personality actually is. We all know as soon as someone attains celebrity status, people start looking for nude pictures or naughty videos featuring that person. As far as I know, no such pictures or videos featuring Rachael Ray … Continue reading “Rachael Ray Sex Video”
Mmmm, Open Source Beer
(via Musings of a Philosophical Scrivener….) Danish students launch open source and shareware beer: A group of IT-students fra the IT-University in Copenhagen has launched a new “open-source” beer, writes the technical journal Ingeniøren. It is described by the students as “a great tasting energetic beer and it’s the world’s first open source beer! It … Continue reading “Mmmm, Open Source Beer”
Chock full of artery clogging goodness
(via Musings of a Philosophical Scrivener….) Hardee’s introduces new mega-calorie Monster Thickburger: ST. LOUIS (AP) — As many fast-food chains are catering to the health-conscious, Hardee’s is introducing the biggest and thickest of its Thickburgers — one with enough calories to make Ronald McDonald blush. The St. Louis-based chain on Monday rolled out its Monster … Continue reading “Chock full of artery clogging goodness”
Not a Waffle Iron
Press 1 for perfect sandwiches: A panini press, or panini machine, is like a waffle iron, but the plates that get hot are flat or, more likely, ribbed, like a grill pan. You can buy one for as little as $40 or as much as $100. The press is usually quite heavy for its size, … Continue reading “Not a Waffle Iron”
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Waffle Irons
(via NewsOK.com) Good to know… Grilled cheese sandwiches work fine in waffle irons, although the sandwich will look more like a waffle.