Category: Boats
Nordic Tug 47
Maritime Simulation Forums
Check out Maritime Simulation Forums, another bbPress bulletin board system.
Nordic Tugs Trawler Yacht to Make European Debut
LORAN to Be Switched-Off?
Years ago, I worked on a simulated LORAN-C device (for use in ship handling simulators)… SUMMARY: The Department of Transportation in coordination with the Department of Homeland Security is considering the need to continue to operate or invest in the North American LORAN–C Radionavigation System beyond fiscal year 2007. Future investment decisions might include: Decommissioning … Continue reading “LORAN to Be Switched-Off?”
More Boat Blogging
Boat Blogging
Weekly Piracy Report
(from the this post probably belongs here dept.) (via Dark Bilious Vapors) Check out the International Chamber of Commerce’s Weekly Piracy Report.
Caroline Alexander
Presidential Yacht
(from the I want a boat too, but I don’t expect someone else to pay for it dept.) (via Eschaton) Congress Passes $388 Billion Spending Bill: The Senate voted 65-30 for the legislation late on Saturday that sets aside funds for a range of priorities including a presidential yacht, foreign aid and energy. It is … Continue reading “Presidential Yacht”