First LNG Containership Receives ME-GI Engine



Late last month, NASSCO engineers placed the world’s first dual-fuel slow speed engine into the World’s First Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) powered containership.

The ME-GI engine represents the next generation of technology that will open the door to a cleaner and safer shipping industry, particularly in the United States. Doosan Engine built the 8L70ME-C8.2GI under license from the designer MAN Diesel and Turbo. The engine weighs 539 tons.

TOTE Shipholdings, Inc., a subsidiary of TOTE, is the first company to use these engines in their vessels. The two new Marlin Class ships, being built by General Dynamics NASSCO’s shipyard in San Diego will be used in the Puerto Rico trade and are expected to enter the trade in late 2015 and early 2016 respectively.

“This large slow speed (two-stroke) dual fuel engine is the first of its kind in the world,” noted Phil Morrell, Vice President of Commercial Marine Operations for TOTE Services, the division of TOTE that is responsible for ship’s technical management and crewing. “Using this engine in our new Marlin class vessels will not only drastically reduce our SOx, NOx, particulate matter and greenhouse gas emissions as a result of using liquefied natural gas, but it will also improve our efficiency meaning these ships will require less energy to travel the same distance and help preserve the environment.”

“Landing the world’s first low speed, dual fuel engine on the lead Marlin Class ship signifies a shift into a new era of green ship technology. NASSCO is proud to partner with TOTE to construct these cutting edge ships” stated Parker Larson, Director of Commercial Programs for General Dynamics NASSCO.

Hull 495, the first of the two Marlin-Class vessels being built by NASSCO will be completed in early 2015.

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