Time to rethink those vacation plans…


container ship CMA CGM Group is now offering genuine cruises aboard its biggest vessels, the new 16,020 TEUs containerships, such as the CMA CGM MARCO POLO or the CMA CGM ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. These giants of the seas (365 meters long, which is equivalent to more than 4 soccer fields), are among the largest vessels of their kind in the world.

The company’s containerships offer their passengers five cabins with private bathrooms and their own living-room. Passengers can also enjoy the large range of facilities provided on board, such as a theater for movie-fans, a library for readers, or a fitness room for the most energetic ones. During summer time, they will all have a chance to benefit from the outdoor swimming-pool. All meals are prepared by the Chef and his Maitre d’Hotel, and are shared with the crew. Passengers are invited to the Captain’s table, turning every meal into a sharing and an exchange opportunity with him and his crew.


In addition to its Europe/Asia routes where the company deploys its 16,020 TEUs containerships, CMA CGM Group offers trips on other maritime routes all over the world, and on more containerships. Whatever the destination or the amount of time spent onboard, « Cargo cruises » offer a truly unique, authentic and memorable experience.

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