Tag: Donald Trump
A twice impeached shithole president
Rush Limbaugh’s legacy
Trump is Rush’s legacy Gerson has obviously not been listening to Rush Limbaugh over the past 25 years or he would know that the millions of conservatives who listen to his show every day are positively enthusiastic about casual misogyny, racial stereotyping, religious bigotry, cruelty and dehumanization. Those are Rush Limbaugh’s stock in trade.
Palmer Electric Waffle Iron
Border Wall
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Border Wall
(more…)The Republican Monster!
Voters For Trump
Trump Steaks
Make Donald Drumpf Again
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver – Donald Trump:
How the Republican elite created Trumpenstein https://t.co/0CBjEnVMyR pic.twitter.com/HRaBmwi5Po— Mother Jones (@MotherJones) February 25, 2016 How the Republican Elite Created Frankentrump To rouse its voters, the GOP exploited hate, anger, and paranoia—and set the stage for the tycoon.
Trump: It’s about authority, not virtue
Potemkin Ideologies As I keep saying, the Republican and Democratic parties, as revealed by their primaries, are not at all symmetric. On the Democratic side, the argument is about a theory of change: voters really do care about progressive priorities, and are torn between two candidates who broadly have similar ideologies but have different visions … Continue reading “Trump: It’s about authority, not virtue”