Tag: Donald Trump
A twice impeached fascist president
The Fall of Dilbert
Trump in a Nutshell
Angrier Things
The Party of Personal Responsibility
The Party of Personal Responsibility is three weeks away from spending the next 20 years blaming everyone else for Trump.— William K. Wolfrum (@Wolfrum) October 13, 2016
Yet Even More Perspective
The guys who think it's totally cool to brag about sexual assault are very offended that I say, "Happy holidays!"— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) October 9, 2016
Donald Trump Presidential Campaign
Meanwhile, on the Republican Internet
Sharing a Meal with Trump
Anthony Bourdain on sharing a meal with Trump: "Absolutely f—ing not" https://t.co/EOnykTicNf pic.twitter.com/0wf5vTIoOx— The Hill (@thehill) October 4, 2016 Bourdain said people he’s met during his travels are anxious about Trump’s White House run. “I mean, there is a sense of utter disbelief, everywhere I go, at Mr. Trump, that is for sure,” he said. … Continue reading “Sharing a Meal with Trump”
Trumpy! You can do Stupid Things!
Lifetime philanderer accused under oath of rape/attempted rape 3 times wants to make the campaigns closing issue sexual probity and abuse.— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) October 2, 2016 Trump is a "genius" for losing almost a $1 billion? (Probably MORE than a billion when he started taking write offs)https://t.co/AEYk2pwx1I pic.twitter.com/mMuZrcxwi5— Billmon (@billmon1) October 2, 2016