Mmmm, Welch’s grape jelly with alcohol

“Welch’s Grape Jelly with Alcohol”: How Trump’s Horrific Wine Became the Ultimate Metaphor for his Presidency After the deadly Charlottesville riots, Donald Trump responded by . . . plugging his family winery in Virginia. Aided by an expert oenophile, the author takes the bait—and tastes the pain. “I thought you needed something good to drink,” … Continue reading “Mmmm, Welch’s grape jelly with alcohol”

And Yet Another Dubious Book Recommendation

Are we supposed to believe Donald Trump takes time away from his TV watching to actually read books?

A Trump Judicial Nominee

Lionel Hutz: I move for a ‘bad court thingy’.
Judge Snyder: You mean a mistrial?
Lionel Hutz: Yeah! That’s why you’re the “judge” and I’m the “law talking guy?”


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