Imagine if there was a news network that always agreed with one party no matter how craven…

Is the press really free & objective? Or is it associated w/ a political party? If so, that's a violation of what the Founders intended-BO'R— Bill O'Reilly (@oreillyfactor) February 21, 2017 Just imagine if there was like, an entire news network that always agreed with one party no matter how craven, god that would be … Continue reading “Imagine if there was a news network that always agreed with one party no matter how craven…”

Bill O’Reilly Supreme Court FAIL

(via Media Matters for Matters for America)

In a segment complaining about Kagan — Obama’s nominee to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens — O’Reilly stated, “Most Americans can’t name the nine Supreme Court justices, even though they are the most powerful people in the country, with the exception of President Obama.” He subsequently explained why this is important: Kagan “will be confirmed unless there is some big skeleton in her closet we don’t know about. But she will join Sonia Sotomayor, she will join Ruth Bader Ginsburg and David Souter as four hard-core liberals.”

David Souter – Really Bill?


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