People are Stupid

Here’s some disturbing polling data from (via Eschaton)

“As far as you know, how many of the September 11th terrorist hijackers were Iraqi citizens: most of them, some of them, just one, or none?”

Most of them 21%
Some of them 23%
Just one  6%
None 17%
Don’t know 33%

(Knight Ridder poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Jan. 3-6, 2003. N=1,204 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.)

According to this poll, about half of those surveyed believed at least one of the hijackers was Iraqi and about one in five believe most of the hijackers were Iraqi.

Most of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and none are known to be from Iraq.

Summary of 2002

In 2002, 5 posts were added to this web log.

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In 2002 the posts were commented 0 times, from which 0 comments (NAN percent) were written by registered users/authors.

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    • rlrr: 5 posts

    AAAS Releases Statement on Intelligent Design

    Dear NCSE friends & supporters,

    The board of directors of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) released a “Resolution on Intelligent Design Theory” that states, in part, that

    Whereas, the ID movement has failed to offer credible scientific evidence to support their claim that ID undermines the current scientifically accepted theory of evolution;

    Whereas the ID movement has not proposed a scientific means of testing its claims;

    Therefore Be It Resolved that the lack of scientific warrant for so-called “intelligent design theory” makes it improper to include as a part of science education.

    The AAAS also called for “citizens across the nation to oppose the establishment of policies that would permit the teaching of ‘intelligent design theory’ as a part of the science curricula of the public schools.”

    The full statement can be found at:

    Summary of 2001

    In 2001, 3 posts were added to this web log.

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      This blog has one author. Here is the number of posts each one wrote:

      • rlrr: 3 posts

      AIM Status Indicator

      Many people have asked how I’m able to display my AIM status on my web site. Here’s the code to make it work:

      <img border=”0″ align=absmiddle src=” ON_IMAGE&off_url=OFF_IMAGE“>


      AIM_ID is your AOL Instant Messenger ID

      ON_IMAGE is the “on image” (e.g. http://blahblahblah/on.gif)

      OFF_IMAGE is the “off image” (e.g. http://blahblahblah/off.gif)

      See it in action here.

      Download lame online/offline images here.

      All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners. Quotes from linked articles are probably the property of the publications linked or the property of the person(s) quoted. The rest © 2001- 2024 by James A. Chappell