Friday Random Ten: 2009-11-27

1. She Loves YouThe BeatlesAnthology 1Rock
2. Disco BoyFrank ZappaBaby SnakesAlternative & Punk
3. Hold OnYes90125Rock
4. The BoxerSimon & GarfunkelThe Best Of Simon & GarfunkelFolk
5. For Calvin (And His Next Two Hitch-Hikers)Frank ZappaThe Grand WazooAlternative & Punk
6. Please Please MeThe BeatlesAnthology 1Rock
7. In The Presence Of Enemies Pt. 2: III. Heretic / IV. The Slaughter of the Damned / V. The Reckoning / VI. SalvationDream TheaterSystematic ChaosMetal
8. The Valley Of MallsFountains Of WayneUtopia ParkwayAlternative & Punk
9. ParallelsYesGoing For The OneRock
10. Old ManNeil Young With The Stray GatorsGreatest HitsRock

People are Stupid, Part VII

(via email)

Public Policy Polling: ACORN:

Losing NY-23 candidate Doug Hoffman became the latest in an increasingly long line of conservative politicians to blame his problems on ACORN yesterday despite the complete lack of evidence the organization played any role in his defeat.

The Republican base is with him though. PPP’s newest national survey finds that a 52% majority of GOP voters nationally think that ACORN stole the Presidential election for Barack Obama last year, with only 27% granting that he won it legitimately. Clearly the ACORN card really is an effective one to play with the voters who will decide whether Hoffman gets to be the Republican nominee in a possible repeat bid in 2010.

A 52% majority of GOP voters nationally think that ACORN stole the Presidential election for Barack Obama – More evidence that prolonged exposure to Fox “News” rots the brain.


Martin Gardner

The Unexpected Hanging and Other Mathematical Diversions
Mathematical Magic Show
Mathematical Circus
The Magic Numbers of Dr Matrix
The New Ambidextrous Universe: Symmetry and Asymmetry from Mirror Reflections to Superstrings
The New Age: Notes of a Fringe-Watcher
Fractal Music, Hypercards and More…: Mathematical Recreations from Scientific American Magazine
Did Adam and Eve Have Navels?: Debunking Pseudoscience
When You Were a Tadpole and I Was a Fish: And Other Speculations About This and That
Great Essays in Science – Martin Gardner (Editor)
The Annotated Alice: The Definitive Edition – Lewis Carroll, Martin Gardner (Editor), John Tenniel (Illustrator)

Friday Random Ten: 2009-11-20

1. StereotomyThe Alan Parsons ProjectStereotomyRock
2. Just One Step AwayBilly CobhamThe TravelerJazz
3. The Highs Are Too HighPretty & TwistedPretty & TwistedAlternative & Punk
4. Somewhere In BetweenKate BushAerial: A Sky of HoneyAlternative & Punk
5. Amon HenHoward ShoreThe Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The RingSoundtrack
6. Down the Coast HwyStan RidgwayBlack DiamondAlternative & Punk
7. Heavenly Bank AccountFrank ZappaYou Are What You IsAlternative & Punk
8. CrucifyTori AmosLittle EarthquakesAlternative & Punk
9. ParallelsYesGoing For The OneRock
10. DissidentsThomas DolbyThe Flat EarthAlternative & Punk

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