Jim Talent Stands for Spammers

Now Jim Talent is sharing his ill-gotten email list… Subject: Jim Talent Stands for Small Business From: “Lisa Goeas, Vice President, Political” <politicalemails@NFIB.org> To: me Dear James, The stakes have never been higher for small business. That’s why the National Federation of Independent Business – the nation’s leading small-business advocacy association – wants you to … Continue reading “Jim Talent Stands for Spammers”

Friday Random Ten: 2006-09-15

1. AmericaYesFragileRock
2. Snail Hair DuneDavid Torn/Mick Karn/Terry BozzioPolytownRock
3. Endless Dream: Endless DreamYesTalkRock
4. It Can HappenYes90125Rock
5. Not SorryThe CranberriesEverybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We?Alternative & Punk
6. SurroundedDream TheaterImages And WordsMetal
7. Metropolis, Pt. 1: The Miracle And The SleeperDream TheaterImages And WordsMetal
8. Oddfellows Local 151R.E.M.DocumentAlternative & Punk
9. Red RainPeter GabrielSoRock
10. Why Don’t You Like Me?Frank ZappaBroadway The Hard WayAlternative & Punk

Jim Talent: Keeping America Safe for Spammers

And yet again… Subject: Keeping America Safe From: “Talent for Senate” <info@talentforsenate.com> To: me Dear James, Labor Day is behind us and kids are returning to school, which means the election is just around the corner. I have been working hard for Missourians over the last four years in the United States Senate and I … Continue reading “Jim Talent: Keeping America Safe for Spammers”

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