The Stupid Rays, They Hurt Us!

(via Fundies say the darndest things!)

[no logical YEC explanation for stars billions of light-years away]

That’s because astronomers erroneously assume that the light which the stars reflect is the light from the sun. They then base their calculations on that. But read the 2nd paragraph in Genesis and you’ll notice that God created light before he created the sun. So guess which light the stars are reflecting? 😉

Carico, CARM [2006-Aug-15]

Holy crap! “Wrong” doesn’t even begin to describe this…


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a Blog

Check out these links: 2009 Iranian election protests Iran Unrest #iranelection Check out Mr. Ahmadinejad’s blog. I was curious as to what blogging software the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran would use, so looking at the source: <HEAD> <title>يادداشت هاي شخصي احمدي نژاد</title> <meta content="AhmadiNejad , Ahmadi , Nejad , Mahmood , Iran … Continue reading “Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a Blog”

Friday Random Ten: 2006-08-11

1. Just One Step AwayBilly CobhamThe TravelerJazz
2. State Of IndependenceJon & VangelisThe Friends Of Mr. CairoRock
3. Jezebel BoyFrank ZappaBroadway The Hard WayAlternative & Punk
4. Twice In Every ShowMonty Python’s SpamalotOriginal Cast RecordingSoundtrack
5. Owner Of A Lonely HeartYes90125Rock
6. Quien Sabe (Who Knows)Stan KentonCuban Fire!Jazz
7. Island MagicDave WecklMaster PlanJazz
8. Solo in 4 Movements – 2nd Movement – Marche ViolentTerry BozzioSolo Drum Music (Disc 1) World
9. Jesus Thinks You’re A JerkFrank ZappaBroadway The Hard WayAlternative & Punk
10. Space Station DockingAlex NorthAlex North’s 2001Soundtrack

Why did the chicken cross the road?

(via email) Andre Ampere: ‘To keep up with current events.’ Albert Einstein: ‘Did the chicken really cross the road or did the road move beneath the chicken?’ Alexander Graham Bell: ‘To get to the nearest phone.’ Robert Boyle: ‘She had been under too much pressure at home.’ James Watt: ‘It thought it would be a … Continue reading “Why did the chicken cross the road?”

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