Spam from Senator Jim Talent

I got this in my email… Subject: A Note from Talent for Senate From: “Talent for Senate” <> Reply-To: talentforsenate@AWREPLIES.NET Date: 8/24/2006 9:40 PM To: me Dear Missouri Voter: With the election less than three months away, we hope you will vote for Senator Jim Talent on November 7 and support his campaign in any … Continue reading “Spam from Senator Jim Talent”

I’ll believe it when I see it

Microsoft Office for Linux ‘inevitable’: Microsoft will release a version of Office to run on Linux within the "next couple of years", according to the chief executive of the Open Source Development Lab (OSDL). "They did it once with Apple; they will do it again with Linux," Stuart Cohen said during an interview with … Continue reading “I’ll believe it when I see it”

What if Operating Systems Were Airlines?

This classic (moldy oldy?) showed up in my inbox… DOS Air Passengers walk out onto the runway, grab hold of the plane, push it until it gets in the air, hop on, then jump off when it hits the ground. They grab the plane again, push it back into the air, hop on, jump off… … Continue reading “What if Operating Systems Were Airlines?”

Friday Random Ten: 2006-08-18

1. TemenosTerry Bozzio + Metropole OrkestChamber WorksRock
2. Misty Mountain HopLed ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IVRock
3. Good TimeLeroyScrubsSoundtrack
4. Pink ParakeetStan RidgwayBlack DiamondAlternative & Punk
5. Radio SilenceThomas DolbyThe Golden Age Of WirelessAlternative & Punk
6. TongueR.E.M.MonsterRock
7. Shelob’s LairHoward ShoreThe Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The KingSoundtrack
8. One Of Our SubmarinesThomas DolbyThe Golden Age Of WirelessAlternative & Punk
9. As I AmDream TheaterLive At Budokan [Disc 1]Metal
10. Cotton TailNeil PeartBurning For BuddyJazz

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