We’re all going to die…

…or not. A projected trajectory shows the asteroid, Apophis (named for the Egyptian god of death and darkness), will come very close to our planet in 2029, and have a chance of hitting Earth on its next pass in 2036. … Apollo 9 astronaut Russell L. Schweickart, an advocate of organizing to prepare for such … Continue reading “We’re all going to die…”

Friday Nonrandom Non-ten

In honor of this site getting over 20,000 comment spam attempts

1. TuningEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
2. OvertureEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
3. Historian’s Introduction to Act IEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
4. Finland/Fisch Schlapping DanceEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
5. Monks Chant / He Is Not Dead YetEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
6. Come With MeEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
7. Laker Girls CheerEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
8. The Song That Goes Like ThisEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
9. He Is Not Dead Yet – Play OffEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
10. All For OneEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
11. Knights of the Round Table/The Song That Goes Like This (Reprise)Eric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
12. Find Your GrailEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
13. Run Away!Eric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
14. The IntermissionEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
15. Historian’s Introduction to Act IIEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
16. Always Look On The Bright Side of LifeEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
17. Brave Sir RobinEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
18. You Won’t Succeed On BroadwayEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
19. Diva’s Lament (What Ever Happened To My Part?)Eric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
20. Where Are You?Eric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
21. His Name Is LancelotEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
22. I’m All AloneEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
23. Twice In Every ShowEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
24. Act II FinaleEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack
25. Always Look On The Bright Side of Life – Company BowEric Idle, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce, John Du Prez, Tim Curry, etc.Monty Python’s SpamalotSoundtrack


(from the here we go again dept.) Another one of these got past the spam filters… Subject: Re..TRUST From: shliochamber <barr_lawoffice @yahoo.co.uk> ANDREW SHLIO ASSOCIATE & SOLICITOR 9TH FLOOR WISMA D 993 JALAN AMPAN 3737 KULALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA Dear Partner, Not so fast, buddy l am Andrew shlio, Hi Andrew, did you know, on modern … Continue reading “Trust”

Did anyone really miss it?

MySpace returns after power outage The popular social-networking site, which recently topped Yahoo Mail as the most-visited Web site in the United States, was disabled entirely as of 6:40 p.m. Pacific time Sunday. The home page was replaced by a placeholder with a message from MySpace founder Tom Anderson, who said that the site was … Continue reading “Did anyone really miss it?”

President Bush Chooses Superstition Over Science

(via What’s new by Bob Park – Friday, July 21, 2006) 1. STEM CELLS: PRESIDENT BUSH CHOOSES SUPERSTITION OVER SCIENCE. On Wednesday, Mr. Bush vetoed the “Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act.” The first veto of his presidency was exercised to protect surplus embryonic stem cells in fertility clinics from research, thus preserving their “dignity” so … Continue reading “President Bush Chooses Superstition Over Science”

Friday Random Ten: 2006-07-21

1. Jesus Thinks You’re A JerkFrank ZappaBroadway The Hard WayAlternative & Punk
2. After The GoldrushNeil YoungGreatest HitsRock
3. AmericaSpinal TapThis is Spinal TapSoundtrack
4. Suicide ChumpFrank ZappaYou Are What You IsAlternative & Punk
5. DionysusJocelyn PookGangs Of New YorkSoundtrack
6. The Test That Stumped Them AllDream TheaterLive At BudokanMetal
7. Comes A TimeNeil YoungGreatest HitsRock
8. Where Will You BeYesTalkRock
9. Stacy’s MomFountains Of WayneWelcome Interstate ManagersAlternative & Punk
10. StrangerPretty & TwistedPretty & TwistedAlternative & Punk

Why does anyone even listen to Bill Kristol?

(via Think Progress) This morning on Fox, Bill Kristol continued to escalate his calls for war against Iran, stating, “We can try diplomacy. I’m not very hopeful about that. We have to be ready to use force.” Kristol claimed the people of Iran would embrace “the right use of targeted military force.” He added that … Continue reading “Why does anyone even listen to Bill Kristol?”

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