Do you people have to ruin everything?

New Rule: Keep Jesus out of strip clubs. A former dancer from Las Vegas has founded “JC’s Girls,” a ministry that brings the healing power of the Lord directly to America’s strip clubs and adult businesses. Do you people have to ruin everything? You’ve got the White House, the Congress, the Supreme Court. Can’t you … Continue reading “Do you people have to ruin everything?”

Friday Random Ten: 2006-05-05

Name Artist Album Genre
1.  Wonderous Stories Yes Going For The One Rock
2.  That Voice Again Peter Gabriel So Rock
3.  The Ring Goes South Howard Shore The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring Soundtrack
4.  Hands Of Love Wall Of Voodoo Call Of The West Alternative & Punk
5.  Perpetual Change Yes The Yes Album Rock
6.  Sat In Your Lap Kate Bush The Whole Story Alternative & Punk
7.  Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus Frank Zappa The Grand Wazoo Alternative & Punk
8.  In Your Eyes Peter Gabriel So Rock
9.  The Return Of The King Howard Shore, Sir James Galway, Viggo Mortensen & Renée Fleming The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King Soundtrack
10.  Itaipu: IV. “To the Sea” Atlanta Symphony Orchestra And Chorus: Robert Shaw Itaipu, The Canyon Classical

Creationism is a form of superstitious paganism

(via Pharyngula) Creationism dismissed as ‘a kind of paganism’ by Vatican’s astronomer: BELIEVING that God created the universe in six days is a form of superstitious paganism, the Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno claimed yesterday. Brother Consolmagno, who works in a Vatican observatory in Arizona and as curator of the Vatican meteorite collection in Italy, said … Continue reading “Creationism is a form of superstitious paganism”

Here we go again…

Here’s one that got by gmail’s spam filter: MR. KEVIN JONES ANTLANTIC PROMOTIONS REF NUMBER: LTH/9129/7769/006 BATCH NUMBER: ALI-FR983-06 Dear Winner, We are pleased to inform you that as a result of our recent lottery draw held on the 24th of April 2006. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number 00742086-84 with serial number 7759-1882 … Continue reading “Here we go again…”

Are polygraphs worthless?

Polygraph Results Often in Question: The CIA, the FBI and other federal agencies are using polygraph machines more than ever to screen applicants and hunt for lawbreakers, even as scientists have become more certain that the equipment is ineffective in accurately detecting when people are lying. Instead, many experts say, the real utility of the … Continue reading “Are polygraphs worthless?”

Here’s how it works

But, listen, let’s review the rules. Here’s how it works. The president makes decisions, he’s the decider. The press secretary announces those decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions down. Make, announce, type. Put them through a spell check and go home. Get to know your family again. Make love to your … Continue reading “Here’s how it works”

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