Friday Random Ten: 2006-05-19

1. You Are What You IsFrank ZappaYou Are What You IsAlternative & Punk
2. BubblegooseWyclef Jean Featuring Stan, Kyle, Cartman, & KennySouth Park: Chef AidSoundtrack
3. Shimmy She WobbleOthar Turner And The Rising Star Fife And Drum BandGangs Of New YorkSoundtrack
4. Watermelon In Easter HayFrank ZappaJoe’s Garage (Disc 2)Alternative & Punk
5. WinterTori AmosLittle EarthquakesAlternative & Punk
6. Going To CaliforniaLed ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IVRock
7. Tower Of InspirationDave WecklMaster PlanJazz
8. Owner Of A Lonely HeartYes & The London PhilharmonicSymphonic Music Of YesRock
9. Cotton TailNeil PeartBurning For Buddy: A Tribute To The Music Of Buddy RichJazz
10. Isengard UnleashedLondon Philharmonic Orchestra & London VoicesThe Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers Soundtrack

When you’re incompetence literally costs lives, giggling at it isn’t cute or funny

New Rule: George Bush has to stop laughing at himself. When you’re incompetence literally costs lives, giggling at it isn’t cute or funny. You know, there’s a guy who’s been running around the country pretending he’s the president, and I believe his name is George Bush. And he wants everyone to know that he doesn’t … Continue reading “When you’re incompetence literally costs lives, giggling at it isn’t cute or funny”

Radical Cleric: God told him about storms, tsunami

(via Pharyngula) And speaking of Fundamentalist Idiocy, Radical Cleric Pat Robertson says God told him storms and possibly a tsunami will hit America’s coastline this year. If I heard the Lord right about 2006, the coasts of America will be lashed by storms, … There well may be something as bad as a tsunami in … Continue reading “Radical Cleric: God told him about storms, tsunami”

More Fundamentalist Idiocy

(via Fundies say the darndest things!)

Math Proves Christ’s Resurrection?

It is faith, not proof, that makes Christians believe in Jesus Christ’s resurrection, the central tenet of the religion. Until now.

Oxford University professor Richard Swinburne, a leading philosopher of religion, has seemingly done the impossible. Using logic and mathematics, he has created a formula that he says shows a 97 percent certainty that Jesus Christ was resurrected by God the Father, report The Age and Catholic News.

This stunning conclusion was made based on a series of complex calculations grounded in the following logic:

  1. The probably of God’s existence is one in two. That is, God either exists or doesn’t.
  2. The probability that God became incarnate, that is embodied in human form, is also one in two.
  3. The evidence for God’s existence is an argument for the resurrection.
  4. The chance of Christ’s resurrection not being reported by the gospels has a probability of one in 10.
  5. Considering all these factors together, there is a one in 1,000 chance that the resurrection is not true.

Richard Swinburne, Netscape News

Not only does the poster know nothing about probability (or is it probably?) and logic, he also doesn’t realize “there is a one in 1,000 chance that the resurrection is not true” is not the same as “97 percent certainty that Jesus Christ was resurrected by God the Father.”


Time to throw away those aluminium foil helmets

On the Effectiveness of Aluminium Foil Helmets: An Empirical Study The helmets amplify frequency bands that coincide with those allocated to the US government between 1.2 Ghz and 1.4 Ghz. According to the FCC, These bands are supposedly reserved for ”radio location” (ie, GPS), and other communications with satellites (see, for example, [3]). The 2.6 … Continue reading “Time to throw away those aluminium foil helmets”

Friday Random Ten: 2006-05-12

1. Dumb All OverFrank ZappaYou Are What You IsAlternative & Punk
2. The CallingYesTalkRock
3. Day DanseChick CoreaMy Spanish HeartJazz
4. DreamscapeAlan ParsonsTry Anything OnceRock
5. Mexican RadioWall Of VoodooCall Of The WestAlternative & Punk
6. Recuerdos (Reminiscences)Stan KentonCuban Fire!Jazz
7. Warrior Horsemen Of The Spirit Thundering Over Hills Of Doubt To A Place Of HopeDavid Torn/Mick Karn/Terry BozzioPolytownRock
8. Comfortably NumbDar WilliamsMy Better SelfFolk
9. End Of The LineStan RidgwayThe Big HeatRock
10. Silk PyjamasThomas DolbyAstronauts & HereticsAlternative & Punk

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