Friday Random Ten: 2006-10-20

1. Hell HoleSpinal TapThis is Spinal TapSoundtrack
2. VacantDream TheaterTrain Of ThoughtMetal
3. The Silent ManDream TheaterAwakeMetal
4. Turn Of The CenturyYesGoing For The OneRock
5. Running Up That HillKate BushThe Whole StoryAlternative & Punk
6. Vital TransformationMahavishnu OrchestraInner Mounting FlameJazz
7. Quantum MechanicThomas DolbyThe Gate To The Mind’s EyeAlternative & Punk
8. Excentrifugal ForzFrank ZappaApostrophe (‘)Alternative & Punk
9. AuratuneDave WecklMaster PlanJazz
10. The End Of All ThingsHoward Shore & Renée FlemingThe Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The KingSoundtrack

Albert Einstein Online

(via email) Einstein Archives Online The Einstein Archives Online Website provides the first online access to Albert Einstein’s scientific and non-scientific manuscripts held by the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and to an extensive Archival Database, constituting the material record of one of the most influential intellects in the modern era. … Continue reading “Albert Einstein Online”

Charles Darwin Online

(via Pharyngula) The complete work of Charles Darwin This site currently contains more than 50,000 searchable text pages and 40,000 images of both publications and handwritten manuscripts. There is also the most comprehensive Darwin bibliography ever published and the largest manuscript catalogue ever assembled. More than 150 ancillary texts are also included, ranging from secondary … Continue reading “Charles Darwin Online”

Rick Santorum is an Idiot

Yes, I called a U.S. Senator an idiot, what are you going to do about it? Santorum defends Iraq war Embattled U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum said America has avoided a second terrorist attack for five years because the “Eye of Mordor” has been drawn to Iraq instead. Santorum used the analogy from one of his … Continue reading “Rick Santorum is an Idiot”

People are Stupid, Part V

(via Best Seller Lists)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Top 5 at a Glance

  1. STATE OF DENIAL, by Bob Woodward
  2. CULTURE WARRIOR, by Bill O’Reilly
  3. I FEEL BAD ABOUT MY NECK, by Nora Ephron
  4. SAVING GRACES, by Elizabeth Edwards
  5. MARLEY & ME, by John Grogan

CULTURE WARRIOR, by Bill O’Reilly? Who the fcsk are these people and why are there so many of them?

See also:

I predict it will be awful

OK, who’s laughing now? … Fox, alone among the Big Four networks without a late-night franchise, is now developing a pilot called “This Just In,” from “24” executive producer Joel Surnow, that’s being described as a conservative answer to “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart.” a conservative answer to “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart.” … Continue reading “I predict it will be awful”

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