Photos Offer First Glimpse of Live Deep-Sea Giant:
Month: September 2005
Friday Wookie Blogging
(via Blog 7) (Image stolen from Yahoo! Sports)
C++ Functions to Evaluate Legendre Polynomials
This post has been moved.
Fog More Fog
(printed by fortune in one of my terminal windows today) A German, a Pole and a Czech left camp for a hike through the woods. After being reported missing a day or two later, rangers found two bears, one a male, one a female, looking suspiciously overstuffed. They killed the female, autopsied her, and sure … Continue reading “Groan!”
A sad but true story
And by true, I mean completely false (lifted from Little Tommy was in the 4th grade class when the teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came up fireman, policeman, salesman, etc…Tommy was being uncharacteristically quiet and so the teacher asked him about his father. … Continue reading “A sad but true story”
Google’s Blog Search is online
Lookes like the beta of Google Blog Search is available.
Intelligent Design
Basically, Intelligent Design is the idea that life on earth is too complex to have evolved without a guiding hand. We’re not saying it’s god, just someone with the basic skill set to create an entire universe. — Jon Stewart
Nerd Test
I should get some extra credit for closing the img tag correctly.
Take a hint
New Rule: America must recall the president. That’s what this country needs. A good, old-fashioned, California-style recall election! Complete with Gary Coleman, porno actresses and action film stars. And just like Schwarzenegger’s predecessor here in California, George Bush is now so unpopular, he must defend his jog against…Russell Crowe. Because at this point, I want … Continue reading “Take a hint”