War on Christianity

…the long war on Christianity in America continues today on the floor of the House of Representatives and continues unabated with aid and comfort to those who would eradicate any vestige of our Christian heritage being supplied by the usual suspects, the Democrats. — Rep. John Hostettler (R-IN) Yes, the long war on Christianity. I … Continue reading “War on Christianity”

Bill Gates warns against reliance on outsourcing

(via Computerworld) Companies should not outsource their core business functions and staff, Microsoft chairman and chief software architect Bill Gates told a group of Japan’s top businessmen today. Gates, who was speaking at the Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), Japan’s biggest and most influential business group, urged IT companies to beware of outsourcing too much … Continue reading “Bill Gates warns against reliance on outsourcing”

Theological Worldview

You scored as Modern Liberal. You are a Modern Liberal. Science and historical study have shown so much of the Bible to be unreliable and that conservative faith has made Jesus out to be a much bigger deal than he actually was. Discipleship involves continuing to preach and practice Jesus’ measure of love and acceptance, … Continue reading “Theological Worldview”

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