Untested Defense Meets Non-Existent Threat

(via APS – What’s new by Robert L. Park – Friday, 18 Feb 05) 1. MISSILE DEFENSE: UNTESTED DEFENSE MEETS NON-EXISTENT THREAT. In last Sunday’s missile defense test, an interceptor missile again refused to leave its silo. Who can blame it? It’s crazy out there. A month ago, a “minor software glitch” caused a malfunction … Continue reading “Untested Defense Meets Non-Existent Threat”

There’s something fundamentally wrong with the universe…

Considering that the original Battlestar Galactica‘s awfulness was only exceeded by, ahem, Galactica 1980, I’m surprised the new Battlestar Galactica is actually pretty good. I have some minor nits to pick (for example, water is not exactly rare in the universe), but, unlike recent incarnations of Star Trek, I have yet to be disappointed. Who … Continue reading “There’s something fundamentally wrong with the universe…”

Nothing like a good football analogy

(via APS – What’s new by Robert L. Park – Friday, 11 Feb 05) 2. PROLIFERATION: TAUNTING IS ONLY AGAINST THE RULES IN THE NFL. Let’s see if we’ve got this right: based on unfounded rumors of nuclear weapons in Iraq, the U.S. committed itself to a war that has so far cost the lives … Continue reading “Nothing like a good football analogy”

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