We’re number 1!

St. Louis has worst gonorrhea rate in nation: St. Louis leads the nation in rates of gonorrhea, according to statistics released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The city ranked second in chlamydia and fifth in rates of syphilis nationwide. St. Louis has long ranked high in cases of sexually transmitted diseases. … Continue reading “We’re number 1!”

Cyberculture Floozie

(via 1jiveturkey.com) You are a Cyberculture Floozie. The theoreticalaspects of postmodernism interest you onlyinsofar as they can be used to make cool blinkythings. You probably take psychedelics andknow at least one programming language (HTMLcounts!). Other postmodernists call you acorporate whore. They’re probably just jealousbecause you make more money than them. What kind of postmodernist are … Continue reading “Cyberculture Floozie”

I may already be a winner!

(from the oh wait, nevermind dept.) It’s been a while since I’ve gotten one of these. I found this in the spam folder of one of my gmail accounts. From: coordinator@freelott.com Date: Oct 31, 2005 11:44 AM Subject: Award Payment MR. ANDREW GRANT. FREE LOTTO PROMOTIONS REF NUMBER: SLI/421/960/05 BATCH NUMBER: ST-688-SN13-05 Dear Winner, We … Continue reading “I may already be a winner!”

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