“Clonus” Producers File Suit

(via Satellite News) On Monday, August 8, Robert S. Fiveson and Myrl A. Schreibman, producers of PARTS: THE CLONUS HORROR (seen in episode 811) filed suit in New York claiming DreamWorks and Warner Bros. cribbed their movie for “The Island.” In addition to unspecified financial compensation, Fiveson and Schreibman want “The Island” withdrawn from theaters … Continue reading ““Clonus” Producers File Suit”

More Idiocy from Rush Limbaugh

(via Eschaton) Our “favorite” drug addict calls Paul Hackett (a Marine Reservist) a “Civilian affairs staff puke!” And… Limbaugh on Hackett: “a liberal Democrat” who served in Iraq “to pad the resumé”: Nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh repeatedly referred to Iraq war veteran and Democratic congressional candidate Paul Hackett as “another liberal Democrat trying … Continue reading “More Idiocy from Rush Limbaugh”

This one has been around for a long time

I’m sure there are versions of this joke that predate this one… A businessman flew into Seattle for a meeting. Being somewhat of a bigshot, he was to be ferried from the airport to the meeting by helicopter. However, a thick fog had settled over the city, and the helicopter was soon lost. The pilot … Continue reading “This one has been around for a long time”

There will be no reason to listen to KMOX

(via KWMU) ST. LOUIS, MO (2005-08-04) The Post-Dispatch is reporting that the Cardinals will move to KTRS after this season. That means they’ll end their 52 year stint on KMOX. The KMOX vice president who’s been negotiating for his station told the paper he hasn’t spoken with the team in the past two weeks. The … Continue reading “There will be no reason to listen to KMOX”

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