(via Eschaton) Here’s a recent poll from MSGOP MSNBC: Seems to me there should be at least one more option. The person who came up with this poll probably used to do web polls for Senator Bill Frist.
Month: August 2004
Galilean Citizens for Truth
(via Tina’s Shark Tank) What if Karl Rove lived during the time of Jesus? I suppose we would have something like Galilean Citizens for Truth.
Republican National Convention Schedule
(via email) 6:00pm – Opening prayer 6:15pm – Supplementary opening prayer 6:30pm – Prayer in thanks of first two prayers 6:45pm – Summary of administration’s energy policy (presented by Exxon) 7:00pm – Canonization of Reagan 7:15pm – Additional prayers 7:30pm – Opening remarks (presented by Halliburton) 8:00pm – Prayer for the safety and well-being of … Continue reading “Republican National Convention Schedule”
Can’t fence?
Why would anyone think a Canadian would want to fence 50,000 cans of beer? (from Reuters) TORONTO (Reuters) – Somewhere in Canada there are thieves with nearly 50,000 cans of beer they will have a hard time selling, although police said on Thursday the truck driver who disappeared with the loot has been arrested. The … Continue reading “Can’t fence?”
Swift Boat Liars for Bush
(via Joe Bob’s Week in Review) The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth released a new series of ads claiming that John Kerry was not a Swift Boat captain, there were no Swift Boats in Vietnam, and the Swift Boat itself is not swift. — Joe Bob Briggs
Liberals love America like grown-ups
(stolen from Musings of a Philosophical Scrivener….) They don’t get it. We love America just as much as they do. But in a different way. You see, they love America the way a four-year loves her mommy. Liberals love America like grown-ups. To a four-year-old, everything Mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes Mommy … Continue reading “Liberals love America like grown-ups”
(via Eschaton) Cowards All Around And the larger story here is clear: John Kerry volunteered for the Navy, volunteered to go to Vietnam, and then, when he was sitting around Cam Ranh Bay bored with nothing to do, requested the most dangerous duty a Naval officer could be given. He saved a man’s life. He … Continue reading “1969”
‘Those who fail to learn from history…’
The people of England have been led in Mesopotamia into a trap from which it will be hard to escape with dignity and honour. They have been tricked into it by a steady withholding of information. The Baghdad communiques are belated, insincere, incomplete. Things have been far worse than we have been told, our administration … Continue reading “‘Those who fail to learn from history…’”
One of Life’s Unanswered Questions
Why is there a PRE KLEANO, but not a POST KLEANO?
Underestanding the Threats
(via Eschaton) Kerry vs. Bush: “Despite this administration’s near obsession with missile defense, the greatest threat facing our homeland comes from terrorists who would do us harm. In the months preceding 9/11 George W. Bush and his closest advisors were preoccupied with missile defense and their misunderstanding about the threats we face continues to this … Continue reading “Underestanding the Threats”