Yet Another Bush Joke

(via Musings of a Philosophical Scrivener….) How many members of the Bush Administration are needed to replace a lightbulb? The Answer is SEVEN: one to deny that a lightbulb needs to be replaced one to attack and question the patriotism of anyone who has questions about the lightbulb, one to blame the previous administration for … Continue reading “Yet Another Bush Joke”

Elvin Jones Dies at 76

(via NYT) Elvin Jones, whose explosive drumming powered the John Coltrane Quartet, the most influential and controversial jazz ensemble of the 1960’s, died yesterday in Manhattan. He was 76 and lived in Manhattan and Nagasaki, Japan. Mr. Jones’s death, which came after several months of failing health, was announced by John DeChristopher, director of artist … Continue reading “Elvin Jones Dies at 76”

If I wanted to, I could do it myself

Dear Mr. Flash Logo Animator Spammer Guy, If I want to clutter my web site with annoying Flash animation, I’m certain I could do it myself. If I were to hire someone to do this work for me, you can be damn sure you would not get my business. The fact you advertise your business … Continue reading “If I wanted to, I could do it myself”

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