Oh no, Not Again

First, there was the infamous Sauron: Offer and acceptance. Now there’s the equally brilliant Elf Love: In the mostly-alternate-universe of Harry Potter, supposedly giving an enslaved house-elf clothing frees the elf. However, the rules for what constitutes “giving” a house-elf clothing are not at all clear. A brief attempt at elucidation over lunch failed, as … Continue reading “Oh no, Not Again”

_The Passion of the Christ_

Here’s some alternatives… Last Temptation of Christ I don’t care what everyone else says – casting Harvey Keitel as Judas was brilliant. Monty Python’s Life of Brian Brian: You are all individuals! The Crowd: We are all individuals! Man in crowd: I’m not. Jesus Christ Superstar Judas is the voice of reason? What’s not to … Continue reading “_The Passion of the Christ_”

Christian Porn Addicts

Billboards Target Christian Porn Addicts: “Her gift for Valentines? Stop looking at porn,” proclaim billboards put up by NetAccountability, a nonprofit software company that aims to help Christians confront the “secret sin” of pornography. If national surveys are any indication, it is a personal battle waged by millions of Christians. Almost 18 percent of people … Continue reading “Christian Porn Addicts”

Do people actually fall for this?

Here’s an actual email sent to my Yahoo email account: Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 15:01:31 -0500 From: “YAH0O!” To: “Foistboinder” Subject: Your_ _Yahoo`_ user ID (foistboinder@yahoo.com)    Dear* Y@HOO Cleints,    _This_ Emai| !nform Y0U that _your_ Yahoo account` (foistboinder@yahoo.com) will be BL0CKED after` 13 _days_ (@S @FTER autoomateed reegisttration) _if_ you will_ not … Continue reading “Do people actually fall for this?”

Big Surprise: Can-Spam can’t stop Spam

Can-Spam Act Can’t Can Spam: A month after the federal Can-Spam Act went into effect, most anti-spam vendors say that the new legislation hasn’t cut down on the glut of junk mail in users’ in-boxes. According to numbers released this week by Brightmail, Postini, and Commtouch, three providers of message-filtering and anti-spam solutions, the amount … Continue reading “Big Surprise: Can-Spam can’t stop Spam”

Where I’ve Been

(via Musings of a Philosophical Scrivener) Places I’ve visited (the ones in red): World: create your own visited country map or write about it on the open travel guide For the geographically challenged: U.S.A, Canada, Mexico, Jamaica, South Korea, India, Israel, U.K., Switzerland, France, and the United Arab Emirates (France and UAE were airport layovers) … Continue reading “Where I’ve Been”

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